
About the project

Wynd has several products that work together seamlessly - a smart air purifier that filters allergens and pollutants wherever the user goes, the world's smallest and most accurate air quality monitor, and platform of software (including mobile apps and cloud services) to deliver insights about the air quality to a global user base. We are working on building the world's largest air quality platform, and currently stream real-time air quality from over 10,000 stations globally to both consumers and business partners.

Through our network of proprietary sensors and data we hope to create a Big Data of air quality to help consumers, businesses, and governments globally. In 2016 Time Magazine recognized Wynd as one of the 25 Best Inventions.Wynd is a Silicon Valley-based startup with a mission to help people breathe healthier air and learn more about their environment along the way. We are one of the leading startups in the air quality space, having launched the world's largest air quality crowdfunding campaign last year that generated over $600,000 in pre-orders from customers in over 80 countries in less than 40 days.

Wynd拥有多种无缝配合的产品 – 1)智能空气净化器,可过滤用户所在地的过敏原和污染物,2)世界上最小和最准确的空气质量监测器,3)软件平台(包括移动应用程序和云服务),提供有关空气质量向全球用户群发展。我们正致力于打造全球最大的空气质量平台,目前将全球超过10,000个测量点的实时空气质量流向消费者和商业合作伙伴。通过我们专有的传感器和数据网络,我们希望创建一个空气质量大数据平台来帮助全球的消费者,企业和政府。 2016年“时代杂志”将Wynd列为25项最佳发明之一。


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    Consumer Electronics
