Director of Startup Programs, Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology. Rick Rasmussen is an Industry Fellow and Member of Faculty at the University of California, Berkeley.
He is the Director of Startup Programs for the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology where he is responsible for creation of new programs centering on Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation Mr. Rasmussen serves as Head of Chief Mentors for the European Innovation Academy and will be hosting over 300 students in Lisbon He is Managing Director of Concordia Ventures, a strategic management firm that assists over 20 governments and economic development agencies worldwide Mr. Rasmussen is a Silicon Valley native that has been part of five IPOs, three billion dollar exits, assisted over a dozen accelerators and mentored over 1000 companies. He is active member of the Sand Hill Angels investment group. Mr. Rasmussen has an EECS degree from UC Berkeley as well as a dual MBA degree from UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business and Columbia’s Graduate School of Business in New York City.